Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12


Ooh, check out the black extensions. How much time away from her kids did those cost Khate?


Wah wah wah. Khate admits on national TV that she gets up and checks the news for her name. And what she reads makes her life hell.

Grow the fuck up, Khate. If you really looked at the news, you'd see people with real problems. Plane crashes. Earthquakes. Suicide. Bullying. Those are real problems, not fake problems like Hugh Hefner saying he doesn't want your ass in Playboy. (And here is where I say, really Hef? You don't want to feature a woman with a mature body? Shocker!)

Stop your crying and focus on your kids. You know, your eight little moneymakers. Step away from the extension team and spend time with your children, one on one. Maybe then your life wouldn't be "hell".

So Khate let us know in advance that her dancing was going to suck because of her "hell". Thanks for the warning.

Khate forgot that she was only supposed to wear her "bitch face from hell" last week.

Khate lifts her own leg! Improvement!

Okay, she doesn't look bitchy. She looks bored. Doing the tango.

As usual, Tony does all of the dancing and emotional expression for both of them. He is a trouper.

I think they both want this to be over.

Man, does Khate hate Brooke or what? Every week Brooke gets the Death Glare.

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I am a person who can tell good parenting from bad.

Because I'm kind of curious